Rye bread, bacon and candied lemons with raspberry cocktail


150 g
Rye bread
Thin slices of bacon
100 g
Caster sugar
Organic lemons


Wash accurately the lemons rubbing the peel and dry them.
Remove the skin using a vegetable peeler discarding the white bitter fibrous part, cut the skin with a sharp knife into very thin strips (julienne). You can use also a lemon zester.
Fill a pan with water and immerse in it the strips; bring to boil then drain the julienne. Replace the water and repeat the procedure for 2 time again.

In another pan put 30 ml of water and bring to boil, add the sugar, let it dissolve then immerse the lemon strips and let them caramelise for about 10 minutes: drain the julienne as soon as the sugar will become golden.

Cut the bread into 16 5x5 cm squares and toast them in a nonstick pan.

Put on each square a slice of bacon, shaping it like a rose, and top with some lemon strips.

You could serve these appetizers with a very simple cocktail...you'll need
700 g of fresh raspberries and 250 ml of Prosecco.
Put the fruits in a colander and smash them with an electric blender collecting their juice in a bowl.
Pour the juice in a jug, add the chilled wine and stir well.

Serve the cocktail in flutes garnishing it with a fresh raspberries and mint leaves.